Aligned &



Run the business with *feminine* energy, giving you back more time and freedom


Understand the customer journey and strengthen your biz’ funnel one layer at a time

Select brands I’ve worked with

Coffee Tonya
asian film fans
the wedding vow

It’s time to take center stage

Let me help you go from overwhelmed social media AWOL to the go-to female CEO 🥂

About me

I’ve been into holistic marketing for 8 years — hands-on in product portfolio management, digital marketing, partnerships, event planning, and local store marketing.

But my passion doesn’t stop there…

I also loooove helping health & wellness biz owners fix money leaks and build (+ grow) their email lists.

The best part here? More quality leads in your email list = more revenue! ✨

Check my Linkedin

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0+ Clients

0+ Years


Despite knowing this, you might be still thinking…

“I can still manage with occasional content, AI-generated captions, and BTS raw stories.”

Testimonials & Reviews

Some Love From Clients

shallow focus photo of red floers


From Rating

Ericka is pleasant to work with. She understands the assignment well, is responsive and produces high-quality work. I’ll hire her again for any content-writing related jobs.

fresh red rose on crystal vase on white background


From Testimonials

Really nice work! I would highly recommend her for content writing!

a flower in a glass vase


From Reviews

Great writing skills and Ericka delivered a quality content. I’m fully satisfied with her work! Keep it up!