6 Important Quarter Life Lessons I’ve Learned

thailand trip ayutthaya 2019

I’ve always been into these lists, curious about what those people did differently or learned earlier than me that made them better (in my perspective and societal standards). It never crossed my mind that I’d actually write one as I always believed I should be more in the scene and experience life more-good or bad. Just in time for my birth month and before the grand launch of my website, here are six important quarter life lessons I’ve learned over the years. thailand trip ayutthaya 2019 quarter life lessons

But I figured that in my own way, I have my fair share of adventures. At the same time, I also have a lot to offer to the right people who want to learn and pick up me. This also comes hand in hand with my acknowledgment and understanding that I was and am never perfect. I just wing life as it is, hoping for a brighter tomorrow.

6 Important Quarter Life Lessons I’ve Learned

1. Life happens. Sh*t happens.

No matter how much we plan things or visualize how we want our life to turn out, more often than not, things just unfold differently. I’m not saying that I will stop persevering for things I want in life but rather becoming kinder to myself when things don’t go according to plan. Life is not all about rainbows and butterflies. Like the moon, we go through different phases in life, but we always come back whole again.

2. Be yourself but strive to be better.

This is a piece of advice that never gets old but something we all need. We are, and we’ll never be, everyone’s cup of tea. Accept your quirks and determine what brings meaning to your life. People who truly care about us will love us despite our flaws and mistakes.

3. It’s okay to outgrow relationships.

There are people we meet in life but are never meant to stay. I get that cutting people off makes us feel guilty but remember that we choose what we surround ourselves with. An unhealthy relationship will never do us any good in the long run. Surround yourself with people that help you grow and, at the same time, grows with you.

3. Having faith goes a long way.

I am a believer. Thinking about how there’s someone that is above all things, watching over me, makes me feel hopeful for a better tomorrow. In each struggle I go through, I believe He only prepares me for what He has in store for me. As if coaxing me a step at a time, not to a happier life, but to the best possible life for me. And that gives more meaning to my life.

4. It’s okay to cry and to take a breather.

Juggling a lot of things in life is sometimes exhausting. Remember that it’s okay to take a break and cry when it’s too much but after a good cry, pick yourself up. Eat healthily and regularly, too! Bad days don’t last forever anyway.

5. Live an honest life, or at least try to live honestly.

Choose to live a life with integrity. I understand that doing what’s right is sometimes hard, but peace of mind is something money can never buy. Be intentional. After all, what comes around comes back around, but this time, even better.

Share below what quarter-life lessons you’ve picked up. I’d love to learn from you too.

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